Aquesta és la vertadera història de perquè els llimons són grocs i la llima és verda. T'ho havies plantejat mai?
L'explicació és senzilla i originalment formava part d'un anunci de ràdio de Ken Nordine sobre colors, però que la va difondre l'hongarès Yonderboi anys més tard utilitzant-la com a introducció del seu treball 'Soundsculptors' (2001), un àlbum raríssim, d'històries rares, de melodies rares, de sons molt rars, altament recomanable.
L'explicació és senzilla i originalment formava part d'un anunci de ràdio de Ken Nordine sobre colors, però que la va difondre l'hongarès Yonderboi anys més tard utilitzant-la com a introducció del seu treball 'Soundsculptors' (2001), un àlbum raríssim, d'històries rares, de melodies rares, de sons molt rars, altament recomanable.
Yonderboi - "Intro"
"In the beginning -oh, long before that,- when light was deciding who should be in and who should be out of the spectrum yellow was in trouble.
Even then seems that green, you know how green can be, did not want yellow in, some silly primal envy I suppose, but for whatever cause the effect was bad on yellow and caused yellow to weep yellow tears for several eternals -before there were years.
Until blue heard what was up between green and yellow and took green aside for a serious talk in which blue pointed out that if yellow and blue were to get together, not that they would but if they did (a gentle threat) they could make their own green.
"Oh" said green with some understanding.
Naturally, by a sudden change of hue green saw the light and yellow got in. It worked out fine.
Yellow got lemons and green got limes..."
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Yonderboi 'Rough and Rare' (2001) |
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